Home Care Support for Diabetes

Some chronic conditions are more common than others. Diabetes, for example, affects about 16.5 million seniors in America. Due to its prevalence, it is no wonder why so many older adults are living with the condition, many of whom are just learning about how to live with it successfully after a late-in-life diagnosis.

Living with diabetes can feel overwhelming at first, especially since there are food and lifestyle adjustments that often accompany a new diagnosis. However, the right home care agency can endeavor to support any senior living with diabetes thanks to helpful services that can be brought right into the home.

Meal Planning and Preparation

When you live with diabetes, whether you’ve been diagnosed recently or have been living with it for years, the foundation of living with it successfully begins with diet modifications. It’s not uncommon for seniors to find changing their diet overwhelming, which is when home care services can be a true lifesaver.

Home care services can include meal planning, grocery shopping, and meal preparation. Caregivers are able to take some of the guesswork out of a healthy diet, often working off of physician and nutritionist recommendations. Caregivers can prepare delicious and nutritious meals as well as portion out leftovers in the fridge or freezer for the senior to grab at the next meal.

Encouraging Movement

Another step in living successfully with diabetes is to include intentional daily movement into your routine. Some older adults can find this step challenging whether due to mobility and balance issues, or a lack of motivation. 

Caregivers can provide a friendly reminder to get up and move, as well as accompany the senior during the activity. After all, isn’t all exercise more fun with a friend? A caregiver can provide hands-on assistance for stability and balance, as well as provide verbal cues for the senior to use a mobility device correctly, during a stroll around the block.

Skin Care

People living with diabetes must be diligent in taking care of their skin and reporting any skin breakdown or worries to their physician promptly. This can be challenging for some older adults who might not be able to carefully observe their skin during personal care tasks.

Home care caregivers are there to provide support with personal care tasks as needed. During their time assisting, they are trained to carefully observe the skin and to document any changes in skin integrity for immediate follow-up. They are also sure to use best practices to maintain skin integrity, especially around the toes and feet, problem areas for those living with diabetes.

Medication Reminders

For seniors who are prescribed insulin or other medications to support a healthy lifestyle while living with diabetes, keeping track of their medication routine might be difficult. Unfortunately, missing a medication dose can lead to serious consequences.

While home care caregivers do not administer medications, they do provide medication reminders. This can offer peace of mind for the senior and their family members when they know they will be reminded of when to take medications and how much.

Health Check-Ins

People living with diabetes can have a change in condition quickly. Family members, even ones that live nearby, are not always able to catch condition changes in time to get quick care before an illness or condition worsens.

Home care caregivers are with the senior regularly and are trained to note when the senior isn’t acting as they normally would. They are trained to document any changes in condition and to follow up appropriately, hopefully getting the senior the care they need before conditions become worse.

If you or your loved one are living with diabetes, home care can be the resource that offers you peace of mind and confidence. Contact us today to tell us more about your situation so that we can help develop a personalized plan of care that meets your needs.

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